The End of Our Incredible Story

Image result for army of cp

Image result for nachos army of cp

Image result for rebel penguin federation of cp

These are some of the many images that will live on forever, that will represent what we achieved and look back at upon the closure of CP Armies. It’s been a long run, but March 29th 2017 is the date that we come together in the unity of our combined shut down. 

Image result for cp army central

Before I go on to summarise Club Penguin Armies and the journey we have been on, we first have to discuss the future of CP Army Central. I’ve been a part of this organisation for the majority of its existence and along the way have worked with some amazing people like Woton, the Blue Brothers, Iasgae, Skloop, Zak, Goblin and countless others. Everyone who has worked at or contributed to CP Army Central can be so proud to be part of something so unique and special. Others attempted to replicate and take the success of the website, but none came close. CPAC still stands tall, ever since its creation by Woton in 2009, as the only place to produce day-by-day news on what is happening in our community and that is something very special.

With all the history of CP Army Central considered, it was not an easy decision to take on the future of the website. With some armies deciding to move to CP Private Servers or other platforms, it was possible to keep going and to keep the website alive. However, the majority of armies have announced that they will be closing, many troops are leaving and all of the current staff members have stated that they will be retiring. The resources needed to keep such a website running are quite substantial and with a greatly reduced base of troops remaining, if any, it would be very difficult to keep a high standard and quantity of news production. Above all, we are Club Penguin Army Central and always will be. For these reasons, in addition to many others, the incumbent CEO’s alongside the Bluesockwa Brothers have decided that March 29th will be the date that CP Army Central ends.

CPA Central has produced thousands of posts, hundreds of Top Tens, multiple tournaments and several columns and ideas that made the website so different from the rest. The countless reporters, columnists, editors and philosophers that have worked for CP Army Central over the years, the majority without being payed, are those who we can thank the most. To work for this website was not for personal gain or money, but to help create a central point for CP Armies in which we can discuss the issues and topics in our community. Above all, it is the readers and viewers that have made this website a success. Without your continued commitment to our website, we would not be where we are today. Your involvement in CP Army Central has been critical in us having a point where we can have a neutral point to meet, so on behalf of all the CEOs to have ever worked for CPAC, I would like to say Thank You for following us over the past seven years.

For more on the history of CPAC and the people that made the website a success, make sure you read our About Page by clicking here.


Today is of course not only the day that CP Army Central shuts down, but armies such as the Ice Warriors, Nachos, Army of CP, Doritos, Light Troops and many others also close their doors. Its been a journey that has lasted 11 years, with thousands of leaders and hundreds of armies trying to become the greatest in our community. Armies have reached incredible sizes of in and around 100+ and, even during times of depression, armies have united together and pushed through to keep the community going. It is incredible that we are still alive with a rapidly declining Club Penguin over the past year and we have made it to the very end of Club Penguin’s existence, that is quite incredible.

Image result for dark warriors of cp

Image result for Light Troops of CP

Image result for underground mafias army of cp

Image result for doritos army of cp

Over the past few years our community has noticed a deteriorating relationship with the Club Penguin team which resulted in the mass banning that took place some years ago. It was unfortunate that often they didn’t see eye to eye with our community which was a supporting pillar to their website throughout the duration of Club Penguin’s existence. It’s incredible to think that a few snowball battles in the Snow Forts all those years ago has resulted in one of the greatest experiences in my childhood, likewise with so many other members of this great community.

The diplomacy that has been a key factor within armies throughout its existence is still present to this day. Whether it has been the wars we’ve waged, or the practice battles we’ve held, the contributions from leaders across this community has kept the light burning within armies.

Our website has made use of a constantly changing online platform which has given us the opportunity to tackle projects that we only could have dreamed about back in 2009. Personally, I feel that one of our greatest feats are the investigative journalism projects that we have carried out over the years. These are the reports and stories that I’ll always remember.

Image result for night warriors of cp

Related image

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Image result for fire warriors of cp

My experiences in the Water Vikings, Army of CP, Ice Warriors and countless other armies have been quite an adventure and I’m sure that many others have gone on an amazing journey of their own. We are all unique in the experiences that we have held, but are united in the overarching CP Army Warfare. CP Army Central has been one of the greatest experiences that I have had, with my interest in journalism being realised, and I am so proud of what I and many others have contributed to here at CPAC. However, I know that now is the time for CPAC to end, for all of armies to end. There is no need to drag it out now, we have had a great time and can look back at something quite incredible.

And hey. Maybe some day there will be a need for a Club Penguin Island Army Central. Until then,

Thank you.


CPA Central CEO 2012, 2014, 2015 & 2017


Former CPA Central Editor

27 Responses

  1. Incredible!


  2. Glory to the light.


  3. We’ll always remember.

    We’ll lose our culture if we move. Sometimes change is good.


  4. Long live Water Vikings. Thank you so much for the memories, everyone.


  5. The day has finally come. It’s like an end to our world. I’m sure we’re all introverts and we are shy people. But we will make it through as we did, as a community. We are a family. Our memories of this Era will never be relinquished. Never ever. We love each other as if we were brothers and sisters. Keep in mind the joy we had together. Never forget that. If you’re ever feeling down, think of your Internet family. Think of the joy. For the last time, Good Bye.


  6. I remember the day when I found out about armies. June 26th, 2010, a man named Iceyfeet1234 recruited me off a recruiting chat. Little did I know that day would motivate me to do so many great things in my life and improve myself socially, academically, and physically. I was there in Legends Cup I when I canceled plans to go to these battles because I was determined to take home the beloved prize. Then came November 26th, 2010. Zakster pmed me and recruited me to become the first ever troop of one of the most legendary armies to ever be on the game, the Water Vikings. At the time it was just Water Troopers, but when we merged into the Masked Vikings, we turned nothing into something. As time progressed, I got to meet more people, acquire myself a few Legends Cup rings, but most importantly, feel the camaraderie in a community like no other. Despite the Allies and Enemies lists, all of these people in these armies to me were family, they were my brothers at heart and I wouldn’t have given up a second of it for the world. Armies changed the way we see things and have taught us many life lessons: who to trust and who not to trust, how to deal with certain situations, and how to succeed and fail sometimes but get back up after failure and show your greatness to the world. This has been a huge story with many chapters, and now we are on the final chapter, about to turn that last “The End” page. Almost eleven years of amazing fun and enjoyment, going from colored snowball fights to organized tournaments and chat groups. To anyone reading this, I thank you for all you have done for this community. So so long, and again, thanks for all that you’ve done for me. Rest easy, CP Armies.


  7. Fight the Bad.


  8. It was a good run. Thanks everyone.


  9. Thanks for making my childhood everyone


  10. Defend freedom, preserve justice..


  11. Death Before Dishonor.


  12. ACP claims they defend freedom and preserve justice!
    SWAT claim that they fight the evil ACP!
    Can someone tell me who’s the good and who’s the bad😂


  13. (L) everyone


  14. ❤ *


  15. I had to go to sleep at 12:06 est that morning


  16. Wow. I am crying. There I was 10 years old in the DarkWarriors picture as Vinsin2. Wearing the totaly wrong uniform with the gold glasses. I say goodbye.


  17. RIP Armies. It was a good run. A great experience. When I joined in 2009, I had no idea it would be such a big part of my life. One last time, I will have to say…



  18. ACP forever!


  19. still sad.

    i cri


  20. you’re mom is a gay nigger


  21. […] Vikings and ACP, CP Army Central was always my focus and I always felt central to how it operated. This is my post when I announced the closure of CP Army Central, one of three that is permanently sticked to the […]


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