Top Ten Armies: 12/28/14

We’ve reached our last Top Ten of 2014, as we see one army at their lowest position in a long time.

REMINDER: All events from the past week and the following week have been counted as weekend events due to Winter Break. This affects time zones strongly. Be careful with how you schedule your events, because this week one army had all six of their AUSIA events during UK times and therefore received no AUSIA points.

1. Dark Warriors [+0] [89.00]

2. Light Troops [+0] [88.82]

3. Ice Warriors [+3] [80.56]

4. Water Vikings [+0] [60.71]

5. Nachos [+0] [60.64]

6. Army of CP [-3] [60.31]

7. Golds [+2] [50.00]

8. Special Weapons & Tactics [NEW!] [43.03]

9. Dark Bandits [-2] [42.40]

10. Striking Raiders [NEW!] [42.17]

To see the full statistics, click here.

For those close to the Top Ten, check out our partner SM Army Press.

1. Dark Warriors: To begin their week, the Dark Warriors faced the Rebel Penguin Federation in the Semi-Finals of the Christmas Chaos and won, with sizes of 65, proceeding to the next round against the Light Troops. Later, they invaded the Light Troops capital with sizes of 60. The next day, they had a huge training session reaching up to sizes of 77 on chat and claiming 60+ on Club Penguin. On Christmas Eve, The Dark Warriors had a party alongside their allies and claimed sizes of 40+. Finally, to end their week, the battled the Light Troops in the finals of the Christmas Chaos with sizes of 100 on chat and 60+ on Club Penguin, however, the battle was postponed due to CP errors. The Dark Warriors keep their #1 post as their first week of Christmas holidays have passed.

2. Light Troops: The Light Troops keep remain 2nd on this week’s Top Ten as we proceed towards the end of the year. To start their week, LT had an unscheduled battle on their capital and maxed sizes of 20-25. The following day, they faced the Dark Warriors and claimed to have reached sizes of 60 like the Dark Warriors. As the Light Troops were accused of bot use, many posts have been made in order to defend themselves. On the same day, as LT leaders decided to remove Waterkid from the army most likely due to the bot accusations against him. Always during the same days, the Light Troops publish a lot of posts about the Dark Warriors as they near the Finals. LT also battled the Ice Warriors with sizes of 40. Finally, to end their week, they battled the Dark Warriors in the Christmas Chaos finals and reached sizes of 45 during the pre-battle.

3. Ice Warriors: The Ice Warriors make an impressive rise and clinch the 3rd rank on this week’s edition of the Top Ten. To begin their Christmas break, the Ice Warriors raided the Navy Seals led by the infamous Gordon Edwards with maximum sizes of 28. Later on, they had a couple of training sessions averaging between 15 to 35 with an AUSIA training. They then had a practice battle with the Light Troops with sizes of 35, but still resulted in a lost. As they continue their week, a few other training sessions occurred with Christmas party in which they managed to reach sizes of 40. As the SWAT returned to the community, the Ice Warriors declared war on them and many battles took place. The sizes reached during these invasions vary between 18 to 40. To end their week, they invaded the server, Chinook, which was also the last battle of the war with the SWAT army surrendering.

Screenshot at Dec 26 15-06-29

4. Water Vikings:  To start of their week, They had an Ausia training event in which they maxed sizes of 20. The following day, they celebrated the birthday of their leader, Teigan, and managed to get 25-30. The following day, WV held an Ausia training with a maximum size of 18. On the same day, the Water Vikings suffered the lost of Earthing, who retired due to inactivity. At their next event, they managed to reach 25 in a recruiting/training event. The next day, the Water Vikings were targeted by many bot usage accusations similar to the Light Troops, however, no severe punishment was sentenced. On Christmas Eve, longtime WV soldier, Pjayo, retires from the army because of school alongside itamarblauer who was rumored to have played a role in Camelogical. Always on the same day, WV held an Ausia training reaching sizes of 18.  On the day after Christmas, WV had an US training and claimed sizes of 19. To end their week, they had a training event and reached sizes of 19. Another great week has passed for the Water Vikings as they retain 4th despite a slight drop in their score.

5. Nachos: The Nachos started their week by declaring war on one of their historical enemies, the Army of CP. The War begun with a raid by the Nacho army in which they reached sizes of 22. On the same day, an Ausia event was held and they managed to get sizes of 9. The next day, they capture the ACP capital and claimed sizes of 20. Always on the same day, they captured the server White House, using their US force and got got around 20. The following day, Nachos invaded 3 servers and came out victorious with the ACP surrendering all three of them. A lot of tension rises between the Nachos and the armies of the Grand Alliance. Later, they invaded the server Brumby using their UK force and forced ACP to surrender with sizes of 18. To end their week, they invaded caribou with sizes of 11. The Nachos were only less than a point away from getting 4th, and so, clinch the 5th rank on this week’s Top Ten.


6. Army of CP: Following the retirement of influential AUSIA Leader Mrtchy, the ACP have crashed out of the top five and find themselves in 6th this week. The first event of the week was an AUSIA event under the new divisional leadership of Star, as they maxed 15. The Nachos declared war after this and the ACP maxed 20 in an AUSIA raid of Fjord. They claimed to win in a USA battle of White House, maxing 20, and followed this up with a UK invasion of Fjord and claimed victory as the Nachos failed to show up, again maxing 20. Their next battle was an Invasion of Alaska as they hit just above 20-21 on CP. Their last event before Christmas saw them have 15+ at a training session – before the Christmas Day announcement that Fluffyboy3 would become leader. On boxing day they had 10-15+ at an AUSIA cleansing of Cabin and USA cleansings of Bobsled and Brumby, maxing 20 and 15 respectively. They ended the week with three more cleansings of Cloudy, Antarctic and Shiver.


7. Golds: An improved week for the Golds sees them move up two places into 7th this week, just behind the ACP. Their first event was a UK training session, in which they had 5+ on CP. This was followed up by a better UK training session the next day, in which they hit 15. They also had a USA PB with the newly reformed SWAT, with 13+ online. On Christmas Eve they had a PB against the Rebel Penguin Federation and had similar sizes again. On Boxing Day they had another PB against the RPF and this time had 10+. The Golds ended the week with a PB against the Water Vikings, maxing 7.

8. Special Weapons & Tactics: Shortly after their return, the Special Weapons & Tactics find themselves in the Top Ten. At their comeback event, which was a practice battle against the Golds, they maxed 21, which was a good start to the army. Their only other event this week was a UK training session that saw a max of 11.

9. Dark Bandits: The Dark Bandits, despite improving their score from last week, move down two spots to 9th. They started the week with an unscheduled event where they saw sizes of up to 10. Two days later, they had another unscheduled event with sizes of up to 11, which was followed by yet ANOTHER unscheduled event, this time with sizes of up to 15. After a US training event, they ended the week with a default victory against the Rebel Penguin Federation in a practice battle with sizes of up to 16.

10. Striking Raiders: The Striking Raiders make a return to the Top Ten, rounding it out at 10th this week. They started the week off with a victory against the Navy Seals in the SMAP Christmas Clash tournament, maxing 15. That same day, they declared war on the Takis army. They defeated them in their Invasion of Northern Lights with sizes of up to 15 and in their Invasion of Snow Globe with sizes of up to 12. Following their victory on Snow Globe, the Striking Raiders emerged victorious in their war with the Takis.

weekly poll

2014 is nearing to a close, which I find to be bittersweet. It’s been an exciting year in every way; from the wars, the scandals, and the shocking rises, it’s been fun. This week, we asked you to compare 2014 with 2013 by asking if 2014 was better than 2013. The results were as expected, as the majority picked No, a fact backed up by statistics. Out of 150 people, 71 people (47.33%) picked No, while 44 people (29.33%) picked Yes and 35 people (23.33%) said it’s been about the same. While it may not have been better than 2013, it still was one hell of a ride.


New polls released every Sunday!

So, what did YOU think about this weeks’ Top Ten? Comment with YOUR opinion!


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67 Responses

  1. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


  2. LOL Dark Bandits made it back to back weeks and Takis and Navy Seals choked but cuz SWAT came back


  3. My god, ACP. That’s what happens when you hand the reigns to a 12 year old girl.


  4. In SR’s description it was SMAC not SMAP tournament they won.


  5. Great Job Golds keep rising up! Also poor Acp


  6. oh lord


  7. Nice job this week Water Vikings! 🙂

    *here comes the comments about how WV sucks*


  8. we got no ausia points LOL – we had like 4 AUS events with 22, 25 and 12 or some


  9. yeaa swat


  10. Nachos are just killing the ACP


  11. By the way, results are fascinating I can say in my opinion due to Winter Break. Some of the armies were falling due to wars. Don’t think that armies that rised that much, my speculation is that armies since are evolving but some are falling like what happened to some various armies RPF, AR, DCP (even they return I hope they will rise), UMA and other armies. Despite of wars nowadays I think that the future is kinda not good since armies are fighting here from there. No wonder some things are making worse since the CP Armies Community is good but remember we should be thinking of CP Armies as in a “fun way” not to make a army just a conquer… That’s not were not to do only we did is for the armies to be a good ancestry made future generations may come to be remembered!


  12. Good Top Ten!


  13. Poor result this week ACP. Lets do better next week.


  14. Everyone’s face when they see the new top10’s come out IF youre a hot girl who plays CP Lel


  15. The top4 has 4 out of the 6 currents armies who’s chats I still visit that are stil alive and that is 6/18 armies LOL epic top10 too good job top4 the rest get rekt irdc but ILY all guys and gals Lol


  16. The winter break thing just proved what we already knew.

    ACP aint shit without its Ausia points.


    • Actually, Water Vikings has more points in Ausia than ACP. So that’s rather incorrect. Although, they have a better UK than us.


  17. Humanities


  18. 1st on the very last top ten of the year! Congratulations, DW. We are the best.


  19. it,was a good week for 2 army Icewarriors & Golds.


  20. Reblogged this on Kyle103's aka Fallen – history and commented:
    Ice Warriors is 3rd, once again! Keep up the good work!


  21. Reblogged this on Dark Bandits Army and commented:
    Great job guys lets keep it up!


  22. Awkward moment when Teigan isn’t WV leader


  23. Nice top ten! Good job Nachos!


  24. Next week DCP will be back in the top10 clearly and RIP whoever drops out


  25. We are back with unfinished business


  26. […] 2014 there were 10 armies on Club Penguin Army Central‘s Top Ten in the last week of December. Alongside this, there […]


What do YOU think? Comment your opinion!