Leaders’ Lounge with DrMatt – Tirodoragon


Klondike, CPA Central Headquarters – Hello and welcome back to another leaders’ lounge with myself, DrMatt. Today on leaders’ lounge we will be featuring Tirodoragon and will be telling his story on how he went from a recruit all the way to a Dark Warriors Leader.

Let’s take a look into Tiro’s past shall we? Tiro first joined Pirates way back in 2012. He originally was recruited off of Monchocho by Waterkid. He quickly rose through the ranks. He became a mod after a week of joining the Pirates. Then after 3 months of being extremely loyal he had become an owner in the Pirates army. Then in Summer 2013 before the death of the Pirates waterkid had offered him leader but Tiro had refused because he felt that he wasn’t ready. Then as said before, the Pirates had closed in the end of Summer 2013.


Pirates, August 2013

After the Pirates had closed, Tiro had left armies for two months. He then returned in October. As soon as he rejoined he was approached by Waterkid. Waterkid had offered a 4c rank in the Light Troops and Tiro accepted. After some events Tiro had quickly become 2ic. He then became UK leader up until Summer 2014. In Summer 2014 after the Light Troops golden age, Water and Rob had retired. This resulted Tiro,Cargo and Konrad becoming leaders of the Light Troops. Unfortunately Cargo and Konrad were coup’d quickly leaving Tiro as the only leader of the Light Troops. The Light Troops had taken a major fall after the retirement of Rob and Water. IW had declared war on the Light Troops during the time of Tiro’s leadership. LT had fallen to 8th in SMAP and were only maxing sizes of 15+. Tiro was under pressure because it was only his first time leading. During his leadership with LT, he was constantly getting verbally abused by Waterkid. As Waterkid was blaming him for the downfall of LT. Tiro ignored him until a disgusting comment made by Waterkid. That pushed Tiro over the limit and Tiro had quit the Light Troops only to join the Dark Warriors.


Light Troops, September 2014.

In October of 2014, Tiro had joined the Dark Warriors to seek revenge. He was greeted nicely by former leader Spi101 and was greatly welcomed by all of the other troops in the Dark Warriors. Tiro had proved himself in the Dark Warriors by being one of the most loyalest troops they have ever had. He thinks of DW as his home and made so many great friends. After proving himself, he had become 2ic in November. He had the rank until the Dark Warriors hibernate in March 2015. When the Dark Warriors reopened in May 2015, he was given the rank 3ic, then proceeded to 2ic in June. and then in July he became leader in training and was trained by DW’s very own Toysoldier. He was trained along with partner Haroon. In August 2015, he had gotten promoted to leader alongside with Haroon. The leadership seems to be doing fairly well so far. Only a few bumps  have come along their way. With the small shut down of DW and with the removal of both 11 and Bad. Now it is only Tiro and Haroon leading the Dark Warriors.

Dark Warriors, 2015 - Harron and Tiros leadership.

Dark Warriors, 2015 – Harron and Tiros leadership.

And in the present day, Tiro is leading the Dark Warriors along with Haroon. They are currently rising the Dark Warriors for the upcoming Champions Cup!


Q:Has CP Armies changed your life in any way?

A: Maybe a bit, I have to devote my free time for DW. Also, my skill in writing in English increased. Before cp armies, the only place where I was writing or talking in English was when I was doing exercises on English lessons in school or playing games for example

Q:Do you plan on retiring anytime soon?

A:    No I don’t plan to retire anytime soon.

Q:Greatest moment in your career?

A: The greatest moment in my career was when I became DW Leader for the first time. I hope that before I retire, I’ll have even a greater moment in my career.

Q:What has been the best part about leading the Dark Warriors?

A: I think that the best part about leading the Dark Warriors for me is that DW is one big family.

Q: Do you have any real life hobbies you would like to share?

A: Yes, my hobby is programming in various languages. I also like playing games, for example League of Legends or CS:GO with my friends.

Well it looks like that we will be seeing more of Tiro as he said he will not be retiring anytime soon. He has done a lot in this community over the past few years and has made the spotlight this year especially. He has a lot of plans for DW in the upcoming months and seems very confident about leading DW. Good luck to Tiro!

Check back every Friday for another Leaders’ Lounge!


CPA Central Reporter

18 Responses

  1. Good post but forgot to add the continue reading tag lol.


  2. nice


  3. but what if leader is tiro? Conspiracy?




  5. Matt, wtf is this “They are currently rising the Dark Warriors for the upcoming Champions Cup!” Nigga they’re maxing 20 and it wont get any better if they continue to lead on their own.

    I would’ve blamed him for LT’s fall too, because the same thing is happening in DW LOL. Why the sympathy, only reason hes respected is because hes loyal, but I’d rather be unloyal and be able to ACTUALLY rise an army such as myself or 11.

    Waits to get roasted


    • He isn’t wrong


    • tbh man hes my leader and all but i really thinks hes going 2 far. he gave quinn who only has like 3 months in armies vp and zuke 2ic… he needs to be more strict too. if u see this tiro use it as a way to improve and become a better leader but still bad choices hiring quinn and zuke for high owner. 🙂


      • He sucks completely, I’ve led with him. Me and 11 carried him. Toy carried him, Spi carried him shortly, and now Jack will. Same with Haroon, but hes AUSIA, so hes already irrelevant to begin with. Tiro has no idea how to recruit, all he does is make a spreadsheet for owners/mods activity that no one cares about, and hires people like Zuke into the ownership. I hate to be an asshole but its just the truth. I mean really, DW is maxing 20 with him at the helm. If DW had a US leader, they would be carrying the army because DW is a US army. W.e.


        • Yeah bad, After a week as LT leader, LT went from 40 to 15. Same with DW before you came.


          • It isnt my problem tho lol if DW would rather max 20 with Tiro than 35-40 with me and 11, then thats completely fine, I’m not the one suffering


            • Tiro is an amazing leader. He recruits in all the time he has, and although you don’t see him much he does a lot for DW. Bad, you’re just depressed and being all sour becuas you’re not even half the leader Tiro is.




              • LOL K.”Not half the leader he is”. Thats right, because DW is barely maxing 20 with him and Haroon, and we got 35-30 with me and 11. #Logic


                • lol. you’re just a sore loser. you know you’re dead to this community now, but you just can’t handle the truth.


                  • Funny how you’re the same person who kept begging me for owner day in and day out on KIK at like 1 AM, didn’t seem so dead to you then. And the truth is a matter of circumstance. Whoever’s willing to sit themselves down and face the truth are the ones who will be more successful. Unfortunately, you are not one of those people.


  6. Lol whatever you say bad you aren’t. Getting in dw again. And I have. It clear with unknown /amb that even. If dw goes to smap they don’t care they care about. Loyal. People. In the army and not some. Button hurtkid like badboy who get fired/hop from every army you can rebel whatever you can but atleast we don’t. Kill dw like you or reopen. Swat everyday lol and yeah maxing 40 right u maxed 25 and then nda magic comes lmfao


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