Editorial: Why Server Maps Never Work

Klondike, CPAC HQ –  In this editorial I’ll be explaining why all server maps never work. Remember the server map Commando made? Yeah, that hasn’t been updated since September.

During this past Summer, Summer of 2015. The community realized a ongoing dilemma going on within the community. This dilemma was the dispute over who owned which server. At one of the CPAC meetings that mostly everyone attended, someone had brought up that the servers were outdated. Which is true, at a point 5 armies claimed ownership of 1 server. So, with this dilemma on our hands, what were we to do? Until Commando returned and told everyone his Server Map idea.

This idea was huge for the community as we all remembered. We finally thought that the server situation would be fixed. We all thought finally all armies know what servers they actually have and we finally know who actually wins the battle. So the server map went on for a good month and then it stopped getting updated. Last time it was updated was September 11th.


Server Map, Sept 11th,2015

Since then, the dilemma has returned. All armies started claiming the same servers again over and over and no one is sure of who owns who anymore. For example, about 5 armies own the server Tea. Literally like everyone owns the server Tea.  All armies still claim they both won at the same battle and there is really no order. Commando, unfortunately, cannot keep up with the server map anymore.

People have brought up the point about bringing the server page back. But will it really last? At this point, armies don’t care about it because everyone knows that it won’t work. The only way for an actual server map to work is if someone had the time to update it over and over and over.

So in conclusion of this brief editorial. Server Maps are pointless nowadays since no one actually pays attention to them anymore. It seems that armies don’t necessarily care who wins or loses anymore. Armies could invade an army, but an army can’t actually die even if they don’t have any servers left. They’ll ignore the invasion or they’ll just keep logging on the server that they don’t have anymore. So thats another reason why server maps don’t necessarily work anymore.  I’ll be discussing that in next weeks editorial.

Check back for next weeks Editorial. Next week the topic will be “Do Armies Really Die?” Comment below your opinion on the server map!



15 Responses

  1. lol true


  2. LMFAO TRUE!!!!!


  3. I mean, not really. I think a lot of people weren’t onboard with Commandos server map idea. I personally wasn’t.

    We’ve all been aware of the server dispute for quite some time now, I think it’s one of the reasons why the TT is so prevalent. If nations aren’t a valid way to compare ourselves, we need another.

    I loved the idea and intent behind the server map, it just lacked the traction it needed to become a permanent establishment.


  4. Sad to accept the truth. This game would be much more fun if people showed up at invasions, lost servers, won servers, and whatnot. Take DCP V.S WV war for example. WV has captured almost all their servers yet they claim to still own them, and never show up at any invasions. Take ACP for example. When SWAT declared war on them Trader completely ignored them, whereas in a real life scenario you can’t exactly “ignore” war.


  5. A big dilemma with server ownership issues is the amount of servers an army owns. Realistically an armies only needs 2 maybe 3 servers which could be 10x easier to keep track of. I realize a lot of servers are needed for war time but idealistically armies could still have wars normally just without as many servers and just keep fighting for the 2-3 they each own.

    Just a idea, maybe it can spark some more ideas?


  6. Said this would happen. Got bitched at. Look what happened.


  7. tldr

    Commando’s server map was successful and made the past summer one of the best armies had. The server map project came to an end as (to my knowledge) nobody volunteered to “takeover” or “help” as Commando’s summer ended.


  8. One reason why CP was cooler back in the older days prior to 2013 lmfao, wary


  9. RIP inb4 Zing pisses off on this comment Lols


  10. Great post and yet when I applied 10 god damn times to CPAC in my days my posts were either not big enough or just apparently bad topics that of which I in no way am going to believe because I am sure they were jerking off at me and piss me off then, still of course


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