Pochoma and Pringle Denounce Reincarnation of Ninjas

NOTE: This post contains the views of Pochoma123 and Pringle64, and in no ways displays the views of CPAC as a whole. CPAC will proceed for questioned recreations as it has in the past, and this generation of Ninjas will be labeled on every point forward as “Ninjas (2)” in Top Tens, Posts, Tournaments, and any other official CPAC outlets.

HYPOTHERMIA, Ninjas Empire – After resting peacefully for 2 years, the Ninjas have been revived, but without the most important factor: the creators’ consent. Under the leadership of Roberto and the Drew Crew, the questioned Ninjas have stayed persistent in keeping in tact that they won’t let anyone stop them, be it armies or the creators. In a respectable manner, Pochoma, with Pringle’s assistance not too distant, used common sense to reason with the Ninjas’ leaders and the CP army community, with some limited success. Will the creators have the people using their namesake vanquished, or will the Ninjas continue on and prosper?

On June 10th, 2015, several days after already having reached out to army leaders, along with legends and CPAC administrative staff, Pochoma123, Ninjas creator and CP Army Legend, made a final plea to the people of the community, which has practically spread like wildfire. Making rounds around several armies, a general consensus has begun to grow that the wishes of the creators and the integrity of the army be maintained. The statement Pochoma made, titled “Important Message about the ‘Ninjas’,” can be viewed here. In the post, Pochoma begins with a brief recounting of his story:

My name is Pochoma123. Some of you may know me while others will not. For those of you who do not, I was in CP Armies from 2007-2013 and was in the chain of FW/RFW while they were alive. After FW fell to low numbers, Pringle64 and I created the Ninjas in May of 2012. I also was one of the army GFX designers during my time, at one point having my GFX on every Top 10 Army site as well as CPAC. In April 2014, I was elected as a CP Army Legend. FW/RFW/Ninjas was ranked 9th by CPAC in their Top 30 Armies of All Time above armies that still exist today.

Now you may be asking why this post is on your army’s site. There is a set of unwritten rules that have existed in armies ever since I have been involved in them. One of those rules are that the final wish of an armies creator should be honored. When Pringle and I closed the Ninjas in 2013, our final wish was that our Armies should remain dead and rest in peace. This wish lasted until June 1, 2015 when Roberto and Andrew24 (and others) decided to remake this army. This “Ninjas” army was recreated without Pringle64 or I’s permission, and thus they are illegitimate.

I have talked to your army’s leader(s) and they have agreed with me that they are illegitimate and they will not recognize them, so I am making this post to hope you all do the same. 

In this statement, Pochoma talks about the legacy of the Ninjas, and the wish he had for the army. He goes on to say how the wish lasted until June 1st, when the new “Ninjas” were created without his or Pringle64’s consent, therefore deeming them as illegitimate. Along with this general body, both Pringle and Pochoma each left statements that sum up their opinions on the matter. From the standpoint of any army leader, especially an army creator, it’s clear to see why they would be upset.

Pringle’s Statement

Pochoma’s Statement

After gaining immense amounts of support and re-blogs, including on the currently suspended IW site, the “Ninjas” have been put on the spot as to what they were going to do. In an act of shocking defiance, they responded with neither an apology nor a humble reasoning as to why they should exist; they blatantly stated they didn’t care. Andrew made a brief statement directed towards the armies that re-blogged the post, and he certainly didn’t hold back:

Denouncing our Ninjas won’t stop us from raiding you and your precious tournament battles. We could care less about pochoma and everyone else. We aren’t aiming for first on CPAC like the rest of you, actually we don’t give a flying f*ck about CPAC in general. We are doing whatever we want, and no one will stop us.

Despite the post saying “[w]e could care less,” which grammatically means they do care, even if it’s only a little bit, it’s obvious that they won’t be backing down in the faces of Pochoma and Pringle. Following this, another post was made, this time by Roberto, mocking Pochoma for attempting to have the “Ninjas” closed down. He takes to comparing Pochoma to being the new “Kylie Jenner,” and proclaims reasons as to why Pochoma is truly the irrational one:

Hello my Ninja friends! So recently there’s been a lot of talk in the CP Army community about this generation of the Ninjas being “legit” or not. Pochoma created an army called the Ninjas some years ago and they died. He has heard of our creation of the Ninjas army and that made him go nuts(literally- he was caps raging me on kik LOL). Anyways to my point, if anyone agrees with Poch and says they can understand where he’s coming from about being upset. Let’s look at it this way, take KYLIE JENNER for an example, Kylie Jenner is a famous teenager that is related to Kim Kardashian. Recently she and her sister tried to get their names TRADEMARKED, for those of you who don’t know what this means; they are basically saying that nobody can use the name “Kylie” or “Kendall” besides them. That means if you like the name Kylie or Kendall and you want your kids to have that name then you can kiss that dream goodbye!


Now let’s take the Ninjas army for example, sure they were a legendary army but what Pochoma is really trying to do here is trademark the name Ninjas and keep us from making this army great. Ninjas is a common name that people like, you can’t trademark a CP army so stop crying and stick to making ACP’s GFX.

Poch you don’t own the rights to the name Ninjas.
When you closed this army, it became available for anyone again.

With all of this back and fourth drama going on between the current leaders and the creators, it’s interesting to think what the circumstances would be for any other army. This in mind, I would like to personally as you all, the viewers, what you think about the issue at hand. Are the creators right? Or is it fair for anyone to be able to recreate an army without the permission of the originators? The “Ninjas,” who will henceforth be referred to as Ninjas (2), will be having their opening event this Sunday, and the entire community will be watching. Leave your opinion down in the comments, and feel free to ask us any burning questions!


CP Army Central CEO

26 Responses

  1. No respect these days. The way Roberto talks is just…
    And yeah, CPAC shouldn’t count this generation.


  2. I can understand that Poch and Pringle want to preserve their army’s legacy or whatever, but on the other hand, I think it’s rather selfish of them to just “not allow” anyone else to recreate them. How exactly is that disrespecting the work of the original troops and leaders? It’s not about respect, these guys just want to reboot a cool, old army.

    On another note, these two are taking credit for creating Fire Warriors, and that is entirely incorrect. FW was created by Wwe09 in 2007, and his site still exists for all to see it. They re-branded the name to become Roman Fire Warriors in a new generation, and as far as I know, hardly spent any time as just FW. I also doubt that they got “permission” from Wwe09 to revive his army.


    • Also do not forget that the Ninjas leaders can just say “fuck you!” and totally disregard the denunciation of their army and continuing running around with Ninjas.

      You’re right. It is selfish though honestly because you never know if this set of leaders could actually do a good job and add something new to the table. I just think this whole “permission” thing is dumb and it feels like people care way too much about their “legacies” and don’t want to be upstaged by people who could do a better job than they did. I’m not discrediting any work that has been done because Poch was a great leader and so was Pringle but they should just let the torch pass on to someone new and maybe better.


  3. I don’t understand it… Why do you need to use their name or any other dead legendary armies name? None of these armies are your guy’s home armies so what is the point?

    If you guys as skilled of leaders and recruiters as you claim to be, then why not simply create a brand new army? It looks much more impressive in the long run anyways.


  4. Also do not forget that the Ninjas leaders can just say “fuck you!” and totally disregard the denunciation of their army and continuing running around with Ninjas.

    You’re right. It is selfish though honestly because you never know if this set of leaders could actually do a good job and add something new to the table. I just think this whole “permission” thing is dumb and it feels like people care way too much about their “legacies” and don’t want to be upstaged by people who could do a better job than they did. I’m not discrediting any work that has been done because Poch was a great leader and so was Pringle but they should just let the torch pass on to someone new and maybe better. They are the only ones who sound irrational.


  5. The Drew Crew ft. Rob need to stop trying to feed off of the glory of armies that rest. The illegitimate Night Warriors, the illegitimate Ninjas, and surely more to come.

    If these individuals are the golden standard for leadership like they think they are, they would surely be successful in creating a new army to lead to first, rather than leeching off of the hard work that those before them have put into their resting armies.


  6. It was Poch’s army. Not theirs. End of story


  7. I don’t get whats wrong with this, if they don’t claim any connection to the previous Ninjas who cares? Ninjas is a pretty big part of CP for Poch and Pring to demand nobody ever touch the name again. I can see why they don’t want it remade but I don’t really agree.


  8. The only issue I have with this is Ninjas(2)’s stealing of graphics that Poch and Pring made and used during their time as the Ninjas leaders. If you’re going to rip off someone else’s creation, at least have the decency to make it your own and not totally steal their ideas.


  9. Ninjas also used to be Fire Warriors and Roman Fire Warriors too which makes things weirder though


  10. This is a children’s game, let them just have their fun. That’s what this is all meant for, right? Getting upset over something recreating an army is pathetic..


  11. These fags need to go to school again LOL


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