Lord Pain Retires From Armies

Tuxedo, RPF Empire- Lord Pain, an army veteran joining in 2009, one of the most controversial leaders of modern-day armies, and dictator of the year for 2013, has officially announced his retirement. His post can be found here

While Lord Pain has not necessarily left a large imprint on one particular army, it is without doubt that his actions and terms have affected a countless amount of armies. Holding leadership roles in several armies, Lord Pain has led, including not limited to, the following armies: Army Republic, the Doritos, several terms with the Golden Troops, the Light Troops, and RPF, along with many others, and several armies of his own. One may label him an army hopper, but really he wa an antagonists, which would lead to his banishment from armies quickly.

On June 8th, 2015, long time veteran Lord Pain retired from armies. When he retired, he held the position of adviser in the RPF. However, his role in the army consisted of mainly leader duties, and many saw him as one. Below is the post:

I have been thinking about my time left in Club Penguin Armies lately. I have been in RPF as advisor for this generation long enough to see that I work compatibly with the leaders and owners. I think it is safe to say that I have become a respected figure within the Rebel Penguin Federation once again. I can see plainly that I am wanted here and that my advice when asked for or given is used to this armies’ benefit. Which is good because it makes me feel fulfilled and successful. The part I play is for the benefit of the leaders and future leaders of the Rebel Penguin Federation.

The job I take upon myself is to assure that this army stays powerful and organized, and that we keep winning. Also to surpass all Club Penguin Armies and resume this armies’ duty as the god army ruling supreme above all others. I have been in Club Penguin Armies since 2009 and I have single handedly accomplished what many have not in this community and gained titles that no other man or woman who will join armies will earn.

I have become a living legend in this community without begging to be officially placed in CPAC as one unlike the recent legends who placed themselves on their knees to those in the committe. What I am trying to say in this post is that I have seen and done anything imagineable in this community. I have led the most powerful armies and been a figurehead in legendary crusades in armies. I know every situation and every outcome that there can be in armies. I am an expert on everything related to CP Armies. There is nothing left for me to prove in this community but I want to make the leaders and owners of this army aware so that I can help them to surpass their own rivals.

Here Lord Pain states that he feels he has become respected in the RPF once again, and assures that RPF will become the ” god army ruling supreme.” He also refers to himself a legend, whether CPAC names him as one or not, and that he is an expert on Club Penguin armies.

To leave behind my legacy for those willing to learn from what I have experienced I am here to guide the future leaders of the Rebel Penguin Federation. My last desire, my final mission in Club Penguin Armies is to prepare apprentices who have been taught my legendary knowledge on Club Penguin Warfare. I do not want my ways to retire with me. I do not want every trace of Lord Pain to die once I am gone. As my time in RPF continues my value to this army will become more apparent. As the troops get to know me better more will look up to me.

Next Lord Pain writes how he will train those under him, with his “legendary knowledge,” to become leaders.

This will lead to the troops modelling themselves after me and I know my values instilled in them will lead to them becoming even more valued members of RPF. Even if it were just one single person I just want someone to credit me with their success, I want for someone to say they learned how to be a successful leader through me. So far that is the one thing I have had yet to accomplish. The value of accomplishing this little task of mine is that many armies are failing to produce the future generation of leaders. The Rebel Penguin Federation will succeed where they fail. We must carefully develop a new line of leaders. I shall take it upon myself. I will not feel fulfilled until at least one person tells me that I was their idol, their influence, the reason they try so hard. I hope to be the old man in this video for someone in armies.

And last, Lord Pain says that he wants his leadership style to live on within the current troops of RPF, who may one day become leaders. He wraps up his post, with a statement I very much agree with, that armies have failed to produce a future generation of leaders, but RPF will succeed in doing this. He will take it upon himself, to train and produce the future leaders of RPF.

Lord Pain, long time veteran of armies, has retired, and hopes to train RPF’s next batch of leaders. Will he stay in retirement? Or will we see him in armies once again? Comment your opinions below!


CPAC Reporter and Reporter former Editor-in-Chief


6 Responses

  1. Your sign up *ono*


  2. Lord Pain will be an infamous figure in armies. His harsh methods, difficulty working with people, and long standing hatred of many who do not agree with his views. While he will never be a CPAC legend, he will be remembered for his many coups, rages,and fights against everyone. He will not be forgotten, but many will be pleased with his retirement, myself included.






  5. Lord Pain was always great


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