Summer @ CPAC 2016

We here at Club Penguin Army Central our proud to unveil our Summer 2016 agenda! I’ve included some of our customary events and tournaments, and revived some old ones as well. We’re excited to make this Summer one to remember for our nifty little community. Read on to find out what events are happening right here at CPAC this Summer!


Summer Sun Hunt

Every year we start our Summer off right with our annual Summer Sun Hunt! This year, of course, will be no different. A total of 11 Suns with numbers will be carefully hidden around all our public CPAWM-affiliated sites. The first three people to correctly give us the numbers to the Suns will receive prizes. Starts June 13th.

Clash of the Unforgiven III

Two years following the release of the Clash of the Unforgiven II event, under the Bluesockwa1 administration, the Clash of the Unforgiven tournament makes its way back to main stage! Although it will be run slightly different that its predecessor, you can read up on the 2nd installment of this event here. Starts July 2nd. 

CPAC 7-year Commemorative Gala

This year we’re trying something a little different to celebrate CPACs anniversary. We’ll be hosting a Gala that will be filled with trivia, minigames, and maybe even…. a roast of our CEOs? Starts July 16th

CPAC 7-year Week of Trivia 

We couldn’t resist having a week-long trivia event for our 7-year celebration! A question that represents each of our 7 years of life will be present with XAT prizes in store for those who answer the questions first.  Starts July 16th. 

Legends Cup 2016

Our seventh installment of the Legends Cup Tournament! Over the years, the Legends Cup has proven to be one of the most anticipated and coveted tournaments of our yearly calendar. Last year, the Rebel Penguin Federation took him the title after triumphing over the Water Vikings in the finals. Will they be walking away with it all again this year, or will a new army go all the way this year? Starts July 20th.

30 Most Influential Leaders Miniseries

This 6-week series will celebrate our communities most influential leaders. From the Oagalthorps to the Waterkids and even all the way up to the Traders of our community, those who have the biggest impact in the community, in their era and the eras that succeeded them, will be properly commended. Starts July 23rd. 

CPAC End of Summer Awards

Summer just wouldn’t be complete without our End of Summer Awards! A staple here at CPAC, but this year we may have to say goodbye to some of our old categories to pave the way for some new surprise ones! Polling starts August 23rd. Results are posted August 31st. 


With the welcoming of Summer, we welcome in a new time for armies. School is ending, and freedom is starting. For many Summers our community has flourished and thrived under the sun season, this year, with your help, will be no different.



Green Power Ranger

21 Responses

  1. BIAS


  2. Great!

    Legends Cup 2016 is what I am excited about. It’s been over 2 years, since I attended Legends Cup. The last was in 2014; 2015 I was gone for entire June and July..

    Anyways, Summer is gonna be not that good this year I suppose? but I am not sure, the time will tell.

    Your’s Flen


  3. BIAS


  4. Those damn Traders of the community..Get rid of them!


  5. the sun hunt is the only reason i’m still in armies


  6. vote legend brad for the cpac end of summer awards.


  7. Like this comment if bam is #1 in the community


  8. glad to see summer @ cpac is back :mrgreen:


  9. Legends Cup (love)


    Former RPF Leader, Clout, has decided to join RPF once more for the rank of Overlord!


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