Statement In Regards To SWAT’s Place In Christmas Chaos

KLONDIKE, CP Army Central Headquarters – Following the recent multilogging investigation on Special Weapons and Tactics, the CP Army Central Administration has decided to take action against SWAT by removing them from the Christmas Chaos tournament.

Reasons for our Choice

Firstly, the Christmas Chaos is one of CP Army Central’s main three tournaments along with the Champions and Legends Cups. Due to this, we must uphold the tournament so that it’s fair for everyone involved – allowing a clear and proven army of multilogs entry to the tournament, is not fair for anyone within the tournament.

Secondly, this isn’t the first time in the last few weeks that Special Weapons and Tactics have multilogged so clearly – a deduction in Top Ten points simply was not enough and therefore we’ve decided to take the punishment a step further with a ban from our tournament. While CPAC is not a government, the tournament is ours – the prize is ours to give, therefore we are fully in our rights to do this.

What does this mean for the tournament? 

Special Weapons and Tactics were scheduled to face the army led by Tymatt, Cumshooters. Due to the banishment from the tournament, the CPAC administration has decided that we will be issuing a by into the Quarter-finals for the Cumshooters.

The Cumshooters of Club Penguin advancing means that they will face either the Dark Warriors or the Ice Warriors – depending on the outcome of their first round battle this afternoon.

Let this serve as a warning to any army who believes it’s okay to multilog. If you multilog, we do not want you in our tournaments. 

Zing King To

CP Army Central Executive Producer

8 Responses

  1. Cumshooters and Gig Had with the upsets.


  2. Let Bitchboy bitch now


  3. rekt


  4. Cumshooters defeat Doritos en route to CPAC Christmas Chaos glory –


  5. rip


  6. The Cring Is Beyond Real




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