Ice Warriors Site Defaced and Suspended

Update 8:56pm EST – Iceyfeet has received an email from WordPress, but there was no mention of how long the suspension will last, or anything about the pornographic material.

SUB ZERO, Ice Warriors Nation – Today at around 6:10pm EST, the Ice Warriors ran into trouble when their website was defaced and suspended by WordPress within two hours. As of now, the site is still suspended. Reportedly, an unauthorized user hijacked the site by taking over 3IC Cody’s WordPress account. 

On June 7th, Cody’s WordPress account was taken over by an unknown individual, and the account was used to publish a few posts here on CP Army Central. However, that same day, the account was also used to deface the Ice Warriors site. The perpetrator trashed and deleted some of their pages, but since all three Ice Warriors leaders were online at the time, they were quickly restored and there was minimal alarm. According to IW creator Iceyfeet1234, all of the users on the site were authored, as they were not aware whose account had been compromised.

Today, IW ran into a much bigger problem when Cody’s account was taken over again, despite him changing its password and other information. The user then posted pornographic images on the Ice Warriors site. The first images were published on the site at 5:00pm EST, and another post was published at 6:00pm EST. Then, within a few minutes of the material being removed by Ghost, WordPress suspended the site. It is estimated that the site was suspended somewhere around 6:10pm EST. Cody’s WordPress account was also deleted after this. Iceyfeet described the situation as “very fishy”, given how quickly WordPress responded to the inappropriate material being posted.

It’s worth noting that the site was suspended, not deleted. Usually, when a WordPress site is suspended, it is temporary, especially if it’s the first time. Unfortunately for the Ice Warriors, their site has in fact been suspended before, and sometimes WordPress will suspend a site forever.

As of right now, Iceyfeet is working to recover the site, and many are left wondering who is responsible. If the site is not restored by tomorrow night, Icey says the army will be using a temporary backup site. Updates will be posted as they are received.

This is an opportunity to once again express how important it is to be cautious about which links you click, and what programs you download. Do not click any unfamiliar URLs, or links from users you do not know. Protect your information and privacy.

Who do you think is responsible for IW’s site getting defaced and suspended? What motive would they have?

Lorenzo Bean

CPA Central Executive Producer

53 Responses

  1. !!


  2. Shocking… stupid people that ratted Cody`s account. Its their fault, not Cody`s fault. btw first.


  3. VPN, dammit! Use it! -_- wait it’s not one of those problems? Whoops! Wrong solution!


  4. Only a pathetic human being would do this to IW when we start getting 30-40+ again.


  5. lmfao wow
    iw getting all the bad luck
    i blame hillary clinton




  7. Cody lmao, get it together boi


  8. That is because some fag decided to RAT Cody’s wordpress acc


  9. I know who is responsible…..
    Arabs!!! They did it in the name of Allah


  10. I blame Waterkid


  11. Lets all be real for a minute, Cody obviously accidentally hit the “share to WP” option, and tried to claim haxx.


  12. Social Media’s very dangerous because IF people you don’t know gets your personal info, you could basically be harmed. Don’t give somebody your personal info unless you at least know them or know them good enough to simply trust them. But they must earn your trust before you do that and I am serious. Avoid hackers (Cyber Security Hackers are good), ddosers, doxers, IPGrabbers, + blackmailers, including the pedophiles, too. Make sure you set your privacy correctly for those who like to use Facebook mainly and not kidding. 😀


  13. lol happy 8 year anniversary!


  14. Ayy lmao.


  15. it was fugly , 3 black men having sex , one sitting down on the couch , another sucking his dick and another on his nipple ,
    very disturbed
    thanks for ruining my innocence


  16. No panics please. IW is my home army and I am helping them. I talked to my dad he works for WP he will look why it was suspended and will make sure site gt back as soon as possible. ALWAYS WITH IW


  17. Finally, some drama.


  18. Can’t trust jack shit in this community … (shifty)


  19. you want to know who did it? ask waterkid his 1 follower must have been a cause. or i mean a person like that :p, cp armies are doing nothing but going in illegal problems like this (WARy)


  20. I blame the Idaho Potato Farmers


  21. i blame Obama and global warming


  22. We are all missing the most important point. What type of pornography is it?


  23. it’s just a bit of banter


  24. oh noes…


  25. What I got when I Went on IW Site > is no longer available.

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