Editorial: The NDA, The Triumphant Months & My Revelations

The last couple of months have been quite tumultuous for me. You all know what Im talking about 😉 . I’ve wanted to talk to you all for quite some time now. But it has not been politically possible for me to do so until this moment – where I can now give you my complete and unadulterated version of events, without fear of retribution or punishment aside from the wrath of the CPAC viewer.

Note: The following post is an editorial and contains my personal opinion. It does not represent the views of CPAC as a whole. It will undoubtedly cause much offence to many people who do not want me to publish this and I sincerely hope it does do so.

Cast your mind back to November 2013. Maybe you still remember this? I sure as hell do.


ACP Soldiers liked that moment

I liked that moment.

I can safely say that those last few minutes of the Nacho-ACP war – before the guns all fell silent – were some of the most bittersweet that I have ever encountered in my long time in this community. The 3rd of November can rightly be described as my epoch. ACP had just won a long, hard gruelling campaign against a foe which had lately been far superior to us in men and tactics. A foe who had completely and utterly humiliated ACP in the Summer of 2012 and the earlier months of 2013. The much criticised Treaty of Fjord felt like justice, the Nachos were being punished for what they had done to ACP only a year earlier. That’s how I felt at the time anyway.

Hindsight – so they say – is one of the most useful tools that we as human beings have. The ability to look back at events and experiences, and critically evaluate them with the benefit of better understanding.

I quickly realised that I had done something dreadfully wrong that day. In all the pomp and glory of victory, I still had the power to be merciful to the Nachos. I was in control, and I could have used that control to show that we were better than them, and that we wouldn’t repeat history. But to tell you the truth ladies and gentlemen – it’s easier to play hardball. People come to expect it of you, and its bloody difficult to forgive and forget when you have to sate the bloodlust of an angry mob. It was difficult for me, and for those who judge me for it – I ask you to put yourself in the situation I was in. Would you have really passed up that opportunity for revenge? Events took their course and soon after that treaty, my good friend Weatherboy and I had a heated argument. He told me that I had just created the circumstances for yet another war, and therefore yet another Treaty of some description – thus continuing the “cycle of hate” as he described it. He was right.

“Hate begets hate; violence begets violence; toughness begets a greater toughness” – Martin Luther King

I’d like to draw your attention to the biggest foreign policy experiment of 2013 – the New Dawn Alliance. It’s something that I was both applauded and criticised for taking part in. It also caused me to undertake one of the greatest personal gambles that I ever attempted. Once again – cast your mind back to ACP before I became Leader – a divided army, a weak ownership and a complete breakdown in order and discipline. With no one recruiting and very poorly attended events. We didn’t have many friends at that time, and I wanted to change that. I tried allying with AR – but they had a sort of personal vendetta out on Capncook when he was Leader and showed no signs of softening up. The Dark Warriors were in competition with us for Number 1 most of the time – so they weren’t a viable option either. It also seemed as if CPAC was out to get me, they published a post claiming that ACP had edited pictures [which has been proven to be true, although in a slightly different context than it was presented at that time] and I reacted very badly to this. It was a grave error of judgement on my part, and I should’ve known better – as a CPAC V.P in 2011-12 – CPA Central was just doing the job it was always supposed to do – reporting the news. All these different catalysts led to the NDA in some way or another.

I made the best alliance that I could. I cut a deal with the devil, and he welcomed me with open arms. Elmikey’s price was very simple. RPF would be ACPs friend if we supported him in his ideological crusade to “purify” Club Penguin Armies and of course, the ridiculous claims about CPAC being “Nacho biased”. To rid us of “cussing” and any form of intelligent, sophisticated interaction between each other. All in the name of “restoring Club Penguin warfare” mind you. A clever ruse. I don’t think its dramatic to compare it to the “newspeak” of George Orwell’s 1984. The systematic process of controlling everyone to the extent that you control what they say and think.

Even within the NDA, there were many divisions. Snaily and Elmikey ideologically hated CPAC and everything about the new style of warfare. Mustapha [DCP] and I just jumped onto the bandwagon. It’s rather ironic that the name “NDA” was devised by Luc, who was actually working undercover against the NDA the whole time. Elmikey and I would often disagree on policy – he wanted a radical policy of bringing the game back to being on CP 24/7. I just wanted ACP to be on top again, to be a force to be reckoned with.

To my friends, it all seemed completely bewildering that I could actually go along with any of this. After all, I was never one for the rules. I’d always been a bit of a rebel and I loved the satiric nonsense that websites like TSN came up with [even if they were pocking fun at me half the time]. It was hard to keep up the pretense. I fell out with many good friends that I’d known for years, even my oldest friend and I didn’t talk to each other for months. All for something that I had no belief in whatsoever. You might be thinking, why the hell did you do it then you idiot?

If it wasnt obvious enough already or you didn’t already pick up on it – I never believed in the NDA. Elmikey and Snaily did – they were ideologically against everything that the community had been doing for years. As for me? I was playing politics to try and get the best possible deal for ACP. I tried very hard to keep my personal emotions out of things. In this I think I was successful. I have always enjoyed the study of history, and modelling myself on the example of Otto von Bismarck. The Prussian statesman who unified Germany in 1871 – one of my personal heroes – I played the game of “Realpolitik”. The game worked, but it came at a price. The loss of friendship and the isolation of being in command.

1. a system of politics or principles based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations.

This is not “Apologia Pro Cassius Brutus” and I don’t make this post to gain any sort of absolution for my actions. For a start, I don’t believe I need it, and I don’t think anyone else has the right to give it to me. I don’t apologise for making ACP a bigger, and more powerful army. I wish I had done some things differently, and I wish I hadn’t been forced into playing “Realpolitik”. Maybe if I had been more honest and truer to my own values and morals, people would look back more kindly on me. Posterity will judge me for what I did. I hope not too harshly. But that’s for other people to decide. Not me.

Was it all worth it in the end then? Well I certainly made my mark on history. But after going through 3 months of being totally devoted to ACP – you all know what happened next. 😉 I never wanted it to end that way. It did. I realised that I was just too tired of it all. It’s a cutthroat role to be the Leader. You have to be able to cope with the personal loss and alienation that comes with being the decision-maker. I did what I had to do. I’d like to say no regrets, but there was certainly a lot of those.

It was a hell of a ride though, one I will never forget. 

Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total; of all those acts will be written the history of this generation. – Robert F. Kennedy


[☧] Max [☧] 

CPA Central Vice President

47 Responses

  1. I haven’t read this yet, but I know I will be shocked or… completely unsurprised…. not quite sure.


  2. (After Reading)
    First off, I can understand, people get caught up in the moment, that moment when they think they have all the power in the world, that they are unbeatable, they just trumped the unbeatable.
    Second off, I’m impressed that you remembered my conversation with you just after the Treaty.
    (Yes everyone, that did indeed happened)


  3. Well you didn’t ask for forgiveness, but you sure as hell have it from me anyways 😉


  4. Ahh, so that’s what you meant when you said you were sorry for everything.

    Imagine what might’ve happened if Cas was merciful, and didn’t remove me from power. Would’ve Nachos never hit SMAC? Would they still be consistently in the top 5? Would’ve Puck never returned over Winter break? Would’ve Cas been removed from power in ACP? Would’ve I ever joined ACP?

    Unfortunately, we will never know. Mr. Gatsby has proved the past can’t be repeated, and unlike him, we should move on from it.

    I am in ACP now, and I will give my full effort to ACP. I’m not going to look back at the past achievements I have accomplished, nor the ones I could’ve completed. I am solely striving to help my new army to the full extent of my prowess, and I thank Cas for giving me the chance to do what was not possible before.

    All’s fair in love and war, and this community has proved it over and over. It’s safe to say Cas, I forgive you for something you needn’t to be forgiven.


  5. When Cas first sided with RPF, RPF was in an even worse position than ACP was, in regards to foreign affairs. I could see Cas siding with Elmikey and his radical ideologies if ACP was as equally loathed as RPF at the time. Going into the NDA succesfully performed the task Max wished it to, create new allies for ACP. It also had the opposite effect. Along with RPF, came RPF adversaries.

    I think it played to Max’s ego, totally crushing the Nachos. Instead of even attempting to make it look like he was showing the smallest shred of mercy. Strategically, it would have been so much smarter to issue a treaty that would look just in the eyes of the public. I doubt that Max overlooked that, he doesnt overlook much, it just played to his ego smashing them to a pulp.


  6. Wow, just… Wow!


  7. You’re saying that you and I had nothing to do with this, when we did.
    Elmikey was all about “Mammoth Saturdays” and I liked his idea so I went along with it. Then his computer got ruined and you were in control of the NDA. You convinced me that Nachos ran CPAC, and that CPAC was targetting us. We were going to pull our armies out of CPAC and make a different news site until I stopped it, even Blue1 witnessed me stop it because when I first got on xat he Private Chatted me and asked me if we were doing it, and I let him know that we weren’t while you were like “YES WE ARE, CPACS GOIN DOWNNN”
    So yeah, the NDA was made for Mammoth Saturdays including the top 3 armies until Elmikey dissapeared and Cas took control of it


  8. I honestly do not know if I should be commenting on this post, but ignoring it would be irresponsible.

    Cassius, you were “one of the most authoritative leaders in the ACP” (quoted from a person we all know), but your arrogance blinded you from the real treasures of the army. In the end you lost our trustability, and people began to see you as a nefarious autocrat.

    Realpolitik is something that all leaders do at some point, but you’ve done it to a point where it’d gone off the right road. The coup d’etat was a raison d’etre due to it originating from the vox populi, but before the final judgement was made I did try to negotiate an alternative with the ‘ACP overlord’. But it was concluded that there was no other option besides a coup.

    Regarding the victory against the Nachos, it was most certainly one of the most significant victories of all time. However, the treaty that restrained them could’ve lead to a few negative ramifications, which is why I decided to loosen the treaty to prevent a cycle of hatred from happening again. (Or at least to loosen the hatred a bit)

    Like I said before, I’m merely a demagogue who’s really devoted to the ACP. I followed the vox populi and this is what happened, but you did leave your name in history, and for that you have my minimal respects.


    • I honestly don’t know why you’re commenting on this post either. But you know what they say about stupidity.

      “Let him without sin cast the first stone”

      You are indeed one of the biggest hypocrites I have ever met. Yes – I was a dictator, and yes I was often very arrogant – but I never denied any of these things. You are both. You just present a public image of benevolence. There was no vox populi on the weekend you stabbed me in the back. 3 people that I thought were my friends collaborated together to repeatedly stab their Commander-in-Chief in the back whilst he was away.

      I’m not here to argue about those events. Those don’t really need an explanation – everyone can decide from themselves whether that was just or not

      Hitler was a demagogue too. 😉


      • “There was no vox populi on the weekend you stabbed me in the back”. A coup isn’t possible unless theres a legitimate reason for it. The ACP ‘overlord’ gathered the opinions of others, and talked to the other ACP commandants and concluded that a coup was necessary. Don’t blame me for the mistakes you’ve made.

        And sure, I don’t want to argue on here as well.

        Says the guy that had the Waffen-SS logo beside their name just a few weeks ago.


        • I’m proud of my German heritage. The Waffen-SS were a unit of the German Army who fought bravely on the eastern front. I don’t think someone whose country tortured and murdered many innocent people, and kept them in the most appalling conditions should lecture me on THAT particular point.


          • “Waffen-SS was condemned as a criminal organization due to its essential connection to the Nazi Party and involvement in numerous war crimes. ”
            I have no problem with you cherishing your German heritage, but displaying a symbol that supported Nazism and played a major role in the Holocaust isn’t something you should be proud of.

            And c’mon, are you seriously going to bring in such topics on a game meant for children?
            I don’t plan on retaliating on your statement towards what Japan did to other countries under the emperor’s rule. Even I believe that what they did was wrong.

            “I don’t think someone whose country tortured and murdered many innocent people, and kept them in the most appalling conditions should lecture me on THAT particular point.”
            So you’re saying that I am a torturer/murderer because of what Japan did in the past? That’s stupid. I live in the present, not the past. I don’t have the same perspectives like they did under Hirohito’s reign.


            • I believe the original comment was inappropriate in the first place, bringing up the past and just kicking dirt up.

              I’ll have to use your second to last sentence against you ” That’s stupid. I live in the present, not the past.”

              Enough, take it to a private chat or something if you want to argue about the coup or anything related.


              • Shab, If Cas didn’t want to provoke a flame war or anything, he shouldn’t have written the post. I think he is more than willing to defend his post, and more importantly, his point.

                The post was obviously going to cause controversy, and the author was bound to reply.

                I’m not saying the argument should’ve happened, since they are both ACP leaders, but it was bound to happen.


  9. summery: “There will come a time when you must choose between what is right and what is easy” -Albus Dumbledore, Gof.


  10. I too knew that you were not in the NDA for the reasons Elmikey explained and that you were simply playing your cards towards what you felt was right for your army. It’s something any leader whose ever done anything successful has ever done. In the end, ‘morals’ must be chucked out the window because they aren’t what is going to earn you the victory.


  11. Just more nit-picking. Good vocabulary though (in the editorial).


  12. […] the actions he took during his time as ACP Leader, and further reading on that can be found here. We’re not talking about this to condemn Max, we’re simply looking through everything that […]


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