Editorial: Why the Army Republic is Only Unlucky

KLONDIKE, CPAC Headquarters – Over the past few weeks, the Army Republic has been swamped in accusations. From the debate over the firing of Theory to the multi-logging scandal to the retirement of Buritodaily, the past few weeks have been crazy for the army. But is the Army Republic really any worse than most other major armies? 

Let’s recap. On December 20th, Theory/Moonlight was demoted to 2ic in the Army Republic, and soon after retired from the army. As far as the media and the general public knew, Theory had been fired from AR Leader. Boomer20 had recently become involved with the Army Republic and had been a huge help to them during their war with the RPF. When Theory was fired, Boomer20 went with her soon after, which would only prolong the debate.

The arguments between the AR Administration and Boomer20 were only the beginning. In these arguments, Boomer questioned the integrity of the Army Republic and argued against the firing of Theory. Vinny, Buritodaily, and other members of the army fought back, and Theory remained removed from the army. Ten days later, the Army Republic entered war with the Rebel Penguin Federation once again. On January 2nd, “Vindaily” returned to the Army Republic in hopes of assisting AR in their war with the RPF.

The real trouble came when the research of a third party — namely the efforts of Boomer20 and Shaboomboom — were posted here on CPA Central, showing that the Army Republic is responsible for multi-logging. We now sit watching the effects of these accusations. The Nachos have been caught faking pictures in hopes to prove that Elmikey was also responsible for multi-logging, Buritodaily has retired from the Army Republic, and many are asking for a revote on the newly-elected AR duo.

Part I: Multi-logging in Club Penguin Armies

Shaboomboom was completely right when he stated that multi-logging is “illegal” and frowned upon in this community. For many years — and only increasing as we go on — multi-logging has been in the spotlight of many wars. Just from 2013, we see many instances like this. The LT’s accusations against Jerry, the evidence against the Army Republic, the evidence against the Light Troops regarding “Piano1”, and those are only some of the stories. Let’s not forget the constant back-and-forth between armies like the Nachos and the Rebel Penguin Federation. The RPF has been accused of multi-logging more times than we can count since their return in May 2013. Here’s a post from The Stale Nacho News exposing RPF’s mutli-logging exploits.

Of the RPF’s multi-logging accusations, a few things have been debated the most. First off, this picture surfaced around a month ago, being some of the best proof we’ve seen in a long time that suggests RPF is dabbling in the multi-logging fun. See below.

The “Jetkid” penguins have been even more argued over than LT’s “Piano1” in the past month since The Stale Nacho News’s investigation of RPF’s multi-logging. On December 21st, in response to that TSN post, Sir PJ said the following.

However, just today, when the Jetkid topic was brought up once again by Yankees of the Army Republic, two of RPF’s leaders made statements that directly contradict what Sir PJ said on The Stale Nacho News.

In summary, if you’re a major army, it’s likely you’ve been accused of multi-logging over the past year or so. This is for a few reasons — allow me to lay them out (in bullet point form!)

  • Multi-logging has become extremely common in modern day armies. 

Yes, like it or not, I’d estimate we only definitively catch less than 15% of multi-logging cases in our community. CPA Central, over the past year, has only had two posts in which we have definitively proved that an army was responsible for this type of abuse. From the Nachos, to the Rebel Penguin Federation, to the Army Republic, to the Dark Warriors, to the Light Troops, to the Army of CP and many more, multi-logging is just too common.

  • There isn’t a way, as a leader, to stop it. 

Face it. I will admit that if I was in a leadership position and found a troop or two multi-logging, I would definitely ask them to stop. But I wouldn’t fire them. Especially not if they were of a substantial amount of value to my army. Multi-logging doesn’t always happen because the leader of a certain army orders all of their troops to do it, like we saw with the Light Troops. It could be a random owner, moderator, or member, thinking that they’re helping the army and that the leadership won’t find out. It isn’t possible, as a leader in an army, to just pull a killswitch on multi-logging. 

  • Most people aren’t caught. 

Yes, this is another problem. Think about it this way — if the Federal Government was much less effective in arresting those responsible for murder, would more murders occur? Yeah. It’s the fear factor. If other people are getting caught for doing it, you’ll be less likely to do it. In the same way, since army media and the community as a whole has been, for the most part, ineffective in condemning this, it’s going to keep happening.

Part II: Why No One Has a Right to Have a“Holier Than Thou” Attitude

One of the many things we’ve seen throughout this witch trial has been the request for a special circumstance revote when it comes to the Legends Page. The same day in which Buritodaily and Vinny were inducted to Legend Status, the information of AR’s multi-logging was released. With the Legends Inductions fresh in mind, people began saying that Burito and Vinny’s status as army legends should be reconsidered.

I’m going to tell you why, as CPA Central’s CEO and the person overseeing Legends Inductions, I have been against doing this. By calling for a special circumstance revote, you are suggesting the Buritodaily and Vinny are responsible for crimes no one else on that page has been responsible for. Furthermore, you are suggesting that to be an army legend, you have to have done all good and made no mistakes. You also suggest that we shouldn’t elect legends for doing “bad things”; that being infamous isn’t legendary.

I scrolled through the Legends Page while researching this post, and found that holding a revote on Burito and Vinny makes absolutely no sense. If I were to even take the time to call a revote, I would basically have to say that any army legend ever suspected of Club Penguin related abuses had to be reconsidered by the Legends Committee. Scroll through the page, and I’m sure you’ll find the same thing I did: that’s alot of people.

The reality is this: yes, what the Army Republic did was wrong. However, they are far from the only ones to do it. The real mistake wasn’t that they did it — most armies do — it’s that they were stupid enough to get caught. Multi-logging has become increasingly common in our community, whether it’s ordered by a leadership or just some troops wanting to help out. And okay, pin it on Buritodaily and Vinny if you want to. But those two are far from the only army leaders to make this mistake, and far from the only CP Army Legends to make a mistake. So please, let’s lose the “holier than thou” attitude. 


CPA Central CEO

13 Responses

  1. Lel the excuse is always it’s someone’s brother.


  2. now to read ze post…


  3. I said it on the last post so I’m going to be a broken record again. I have no clue if people in AR were possibly multi-logging, but I know Vinny and I didn’t.


  4. Holy shit blue, thanks for editing my post XD


  5. At first we did not know who the Jetkid penguins were and we assumed it was just RPF members using an alternative penguin since theirs may have been banned since being banned on CP is a common occurrence for a few RPF members. After a few days Jetkid was in chat and we talked to him and he said him and his brother were fighting the good fight together.

    As for the image of RPF in the Stadium and Nachos in the Berg, I took that early in the Summer RPF/Nacho war so I could have undeniable evidence that RPF were larger in size than the Nachos at the same exact time. Nachos would always claim victory and never room change so that was my proof that we were/are better than them. But the media ended up twisting around that picture and accusing me of multi-logging for a one troop advantage when in reality that penguin never even left the Ice Berg and was Auto-Disconnected because I didn’t use it at all after taking that picture and the penguin wasn’t used in the pre-battle photo sessions.

    Also I do not see how Burr & Vinny are “CP Army Legends”


  6. “Oh what a tangled web we weave when we decide to decieve.”

    It looks like RPF got caught up in their own web of lies.


  7. I’M SO FAMOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  8. Stop saying “AR multilogs. You can’t blame it on the entire army, Burito and I didn’t multi log, so you can’t even blame us, and can’t say we condoned it. So please guys, stop blaming it on AR, blame it on those who did it that were in AR.(If you find enough evidence to even prove that)


  9. And Blue, I thank you for making this post.


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