Top Ten Armies: 05/17/15

As we begin the Spring Smackdown II, we here at CPA Central bring you another Top Ten. This week, we see a lot of continuity from last week, but with an old Top 3 contender returning to the fray.

1. Ice Warriors [+0] [85.04]

2. Doritos [+0] [84.55]

3. Light Troops [+0] [71.30]

4. Rebel Penguin Federation [+1] [68.00]

5. Water Ninjas [-1] [64.28]

6. Army of CP [+2] [60.88]

7. Golds [NEW!] [56.00]

8. Marines [-1] [54.31]

9. Army Republic [+1] [44.75]

10. Shadow Troops [-1] [44.63]

To see the full statistics, click here. *

For those close to the Top Ten, check out our partner SM Army Press.


*Some armies have been deducted points for blatant mislabeling or for large size exaggerations, again to try and ensure the fairness of the top ten. These point deductions are not included on the points sheet. If you would like explanation of your deduction(s), please request it in the comments or on xat. Point Deductions:

  • IW – 1 point deduction (1 blatant mislabel)
  • LT – 1 point deduction (1 size exaggeration)

[Key] Events with deductions will be notated in the descriptions as follows:

  • Red – Mislabeled
  • Green – Exaggerated size


1. Ice Warriors: The Ice Warriors had a long week, starting on Sunday with a UK practice battle against the ACP in which they maxed thirty-two. They continued that day with a US battle against DCP, where they maxed twenty. When Monday came, they started off with an AUSIA training in which they maxed sixteen and then they finished the day off with a training for USA in which they maxed thirty-five. Tuesday started off with a UK training where they maxed eleven and they finished the day by helping Golds with their war against the Marines and they logged on Flippers and maxed twenty-eight. Wednesday came with a training for the US in which they maxed thirty-five. Thursday started with an AUSIA event where they maxed twenty-two and then continued with a UK  training where they maxed sixteen and lastly finished with a US battle against DCP where they maxed thirty-eight. Friday started with another AUSIA training where they maxed twenty-one and then followed with a UK practice battle with ACP where they maxed twenty-three. They finished Friday off with a US training maxing thirty-five. They finished the week off on Saturday with their Spring Smackdown battle where they maxed twenty-six and a US training where they maxed twenty-eight. 2. Doritos: The Doritos began their week with a great AUSIA showing, maxing eighteen. They followed this up with a Mother’s Day training event, hitting close to thirty. After another AUSIA and UK event, they announced a detente with the Ice Warriors. The following day, they were able to hit over thirty at a training session, which was followed by another AUSIA event with sizes of eighteen. After a UK victory in a practice battle against the ACP, the Doritos hit thirty at another training session. They then held a practice battle with the Ice Warriors, where they hit around thirty once again. After another great AUSIA event, the Doritos hit twenty-one at a UK event. They ended the week by hitting close to forty-five at a war training event.

3. Light Troops: The Light Troops continue to show their growing strength as they start their week off on Sunday with a brawl in which they maxed forty. For Monday they had a US training where they maxed twenty. Their next event was on Friday, in which they raided Tuxedo and maxed twenty-two. The very next day, on Saturday, the LT went out and raided Tuxedo again, this time maxing whopping sizes of fifty. To finish off the week, they had a small raid of ACP where they maxed nineteen. 4. Rebel Penguin Federation: The RPF spent most of their week preparing for one battle, and it wasn’t in vain. On Saturday they had a battle against the Light Troops, in which they maxed a whopping size of forty-five. They will be facing off against the Redemption Force in the first round of the Spring Smackdown II today. 5. Water Ninjas: The Water Ninjas have a good week, of mainly AUSIA events. They started off on Tuesday with an AUSIA event, maxing eleven. On Wednesday they had an AUSIA event in which they maxed fourteen. On Thursday they had an AUSIA training where they managed to max nineteen. With Friday came another AUSIA event, this time maxing twenty-one! They finished off the day with a US event, a unscheduled practice battle against DCP in which they maxed sixteen. They finished off on Saturday with the Spring Smackdown where they maxed twenty-one.

6. Army of CP: The ACP move up a bit this week as they started off with a battle against IW, in which they maxed fifteen. With Monday came another battle against IW, in which they also maxed fifteen. Tuesday had a UK raid in which they maxed thirteen and later a US training where they maxed sixteen. On Wednesday they had their first AUSIA event, in which they maxed eleven, and then later finished the day off with a US training maxing seventeen. With Thursday they had an AUSIA u-lead where they maxed ten. Friday also saw an AUSIA training where they maxed twelve. On Saturday they had an unscheduled UK/US training where they maxed fifteen and finished by defending against a raid where in which they maxed twenty. 7. Golds: The Golds had a good return week, kicking off this run by hitting twenty at their return event. They then defended Flippers from the Marines, maxing nine. After defending Flippers again with sizes of thirteen, they had a practice battle against IW where they maxed twelve. Later they had an unscheduled event on White out where they maxed five. They then had a practice battle against AR, where they maxed fourteen and finally finished the week with a battle against the Air Force in the Spring Smackdown where they maxed thirteen.

8. Marines: The Marines stay steady in the Top Ten, and this time to start their week off on Sunday, they took part in the Mother’s Day Brawl in which they maxed seventeen. On Monday they had a UK practice battle with Nachos in which they maxed five and then a training in which they maxed eleven. On Friday they had a battle against Golds on Flippers in which they maxed eight. They finished the week off with the Spring Smackdown against Chaos, in which they maxed thirteen. 9. Army Republic: The Army Republic has had an interesting week, in which they started with an unscheduled on Sunday in which they maxed nine. On Tuesday they had a recruiting session in which they maxed fourteen. On Wednesday they had a training in which they maxed thirteen. They finished off the week with a practice battle against the Golds on Friday where they maxed nine. 10. Shadow Troops: The Shadow Troops made their comeback to the community this week, starting with a UK training on Thursday where they maxed eleven. On Friday, they had a practice battle with the Nachos in which they maxed eleven. They finished off the week by invading their home server of Parka on Saturday, where they maxed twelve.


weekly poll

After last week, when the Light Troops were deducted 10 points for their extensive use of bot recruiting, questions began to be asked about whether bot recruiting as a whole is an acceptable method of recruiting. Thus, this week’s poll topic. The voting was somewhat closer than what we thought it would be. The majority of you (43.70%) said it was not moral. In the middle (31.93%) was “in limited capacity”, meaning only to a certain extent. Coming in last was yes (24.37%), meaning the large majority of you think that it should be limited.


New polls released every Sunday!


So, what do YOU think of this week’s Top Ten? Comment below with YOUR opinions!


CPA Central CEO

Albaro Lord

CPA Central Executive Producer

41 Responses



  2. WHAT THE FUCK! ACP 6TH? OMFG! D: :@ D:<


  3. First


  4. Good job again this week IW! Keep up the good work! FEAR THE ICE!


  5. Honestly its just whatever Lol




  7. Great top ten but no illuminazi tits of war? Fine. Off to SMAP/SMAC.


  8. lol’d @ ar’s picture




  10. I didn’t recruit enough 😦 I will try harder!


  11. Good job RPF, we will continue to rise and thrive as weeks go by. We will soon be the best army in the Club Penguin Community. Fight The Good Fight.


  12. Epic Rap Battle of Armies Season 1: To Be Continued…


  13. Expect LT to be continuously first throughout June & July.


  14. Great job Ice Warriors. :mrgreen:


  15. Reblogged this on Ice Warriors Army of Club Penguin and commented:

    Another great week Ice Warriors!


  16. Watch your backs kiddies , DW will be back at 1st next week.


  17. ok fuck , now you’re typing out the numbers instead of giving it like “21” “45”? thanks for making me read


  18. IW & DCP keep killin it.

    & good job RPF, workin your way up the ranks.


  19. Good Job Golds! We’re back


  20. Based on the top 4 it’s looking like it’s gonna be a great summer for cp armies.


  21. Very nice top 10. I can` wait to return to DCP on June 19. I can tell this is gonna be a great summer for cp armies too. I am clearly ready to be more active then ever and possibly get 3ic in DCP


What do YOU think? Comment your opinion!