A New Form of Media

KLONDIKE, CPAC Headquarters — Hello all, This is the Cynical Penguin presenting to you a Podcast that will be presented every Sunday to summarize the past week in CP armies. This is to create a simpler way of getting the news from the past week. I hope you all enjoy this project, and I hope you’ll like it.

Week 1 Podcast

If any of you wishes to suggest, please suggest some things below and I hope you all enjoy this new project that’ll go along with your news.

Cynical.Penguin, CPAC News.

13 Responses

  1. This isn’t new


  2. I wish the SMAP would let us do philosophy podcasts


  3. Your accent is something else man. I do like this though; it is cohesive and only says what it needs. You should do more!


  4. Meanwhile in the real world
    http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y401/Humor235/NBA%20Champions%202015_zps5kpytaj2.png GUYS LMFAO WARRIORS UNANIMOUS NBA TITLE WINNERS ACCORDING TO LOVETEST


  5. http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y401/Humor235/NBA%20Champions%202015_zps5kpytaj2.png GUYS LMFAO WARRIORS UNANIMOUS NBA TITLE WINNERS ACCORDING TO LOVETEST

    Meanwhile in the real world


  6. DW’s BACK!!!!!!


  7. Like

  8. You should let me on the podcast because I am clearly a reporting god.


  9. Let me on the podcast and make it longer than 1 minute, I AM A REPORTING GOD.


What do YOU think? Comment your opinion!