Summer @ CPAC 2014 || Staff Applications

As the month of May will come to a close in only one week, we here at CPA Central are beginning preparations for what is the single greatest time of the year for armies. From contests to tournaments to awards to some of the biggest stories of the year, summer is upon us. 


Since 2011, CPA Central has hosted Summer @ CPAC with the objective of making the summer for armies as enjoyable as possible. Along with our partner, Small and Medium Army Press, our objective this year remains the same: to make this summer unforgettable. Just last year, summer held things like the Nachos vs. RPF war, The Alliance War, the CP Army Wiki Project, and record sizes on Club Penguin. The Legends Cup IV was unforgettable, with the Rebel Penguin Federation, at the height of their rise, took the championship and became the third army to win the tournament.

This summer is not only the Legends Cup V, sure to be one of the greatest tournaments to date, but also the fifth anniversary of what we do here at CPA Central. In this weeks’ poll, many of you were very optimistic about what the summer holds for us here. I’m optimistic too. And that’s why, as we begin to wind down our terms here, Blue2 and I, along with Mchappy, Blaze, and countless others here at Club Penguin Army World Media, want to make this as huge as possible. The following events are tentatively arranged in chronological order, but can change at any time.

SM Army Press Summer Clash 2014

The folks over at Small and Medium Army Press will kick off the summer immediately as May comes to an end with a tournament for the powerhouses of the S/M community. Some fourteen armies have already been invited and it is likely there will be more spots available — for more information on this tourney, check out SMAP.

Conquest Tournament (Revival) 

Last held during the early days of this news site, the Conquest Tournament, under the direction of Iceyfeet1234, is sure to be a hit. Details on this tournament will be released in the coming weeks, but the tournament works by giving each army ownership of one room on Club Penguin. Then, on the day of the tournament, armies battle it out and whoever holds the most rooms at the end of the tournament is the victor.

CP Army Census 2014

Last held in 2011 under Woton, the CP Army Census is a gathering of statistical data that is very important to the state of warfare. Basically an army-wide active count, this is something we want everyone to participate in, and the support of all armies would be appreciated. We want all major armies and their troops to be represented, and the more people that participate, the better. This census will be taking place both here at CPA Central and over at SM Army Press, and you are free to comment on either. Further details will come closer to the census.

Summer Sun Hunt

A classic here at CPA Central, a number of suns are hidden throughout the site (and its branches) for a week or so. Each sun has a corresponding number, and the first three people to find the suns will receive Xat Prizes.

CPA Central Five-Year Anniversary Party

Similar to our Super Bowl parties or the Gala of last year, CPA Central will be hosting a party on in early July to commemorate five years of this great site. At that party, there will be a special quiz on the history of the site, also with prizes.

Legends Cup V

Returning for the fifth time, the Legends Cup is one of the most anticipated events of the entire year, and the largest tourney of the year. And once again, for the fifth anniversary of the tourney, we at CPA Central continue to raise the stakes. A larger prize, more battles and an even harder trip to the championship, this is a tournament you can’t afford to miss.

Person of the Year: Five-Year Commemorative

Some of CPAC’s oldest and most respected Legends will be working together with the current administration to name the fifteen most important people since this site’s founding in a special edition of our ever-famous list that is usually released in December. Who are some of your top picks?

End of Summer Awards

Every Summer, we commemorate half of the year gone by and award the top leaders, news site CEOs, organizations, armies, and all kinds of others with recognition for their achievements. Given out at the end of the August, these awards are talked about all over armies and will be chosen in viewer-voted polls.


In the summer, CPA Central prides itself on having the largest reporter base in armies and always tries to have a larger staff to cover all of the stories over those three months. For that reason, if you are interested in working for us here at CPAC and becoming a part of the premier army news site since our founding in 2009, please comment on this post using the form below.


News Site Experience: 

Example Post: 

Good luck to all who apply. We are really looking forward to everything Summer 2014 will hold here at CPA Central. From wars to scandals to tournaments to some of the best times we will have in this community, summer’s already looking up. I hope everyone here is as excited as I am, because things will just keep getting better. Cheers.

As always, your thoughts and comments are welcome. 


CPA Central CEO





22 Responses

  1. 1st


  2. Name: Lgpanda

    News Site Experience: A story on the old SMAC website

    Example Post:

    (What written in here is purely for application purposes. I am not stating in any way, shape or form that these events are true)


    Light Troops have officially declared war on the Ice Warriors. There has always been talk of Light Troops plotting against Ice Warriors but they transformed the rumours in reality when Waterkid100 (Leader of the Light Troops) publicly said this.
    “Today, on the 24th of May 2014, I declare war on the Ice Warriors. We will be invading Slushy on the 25th of May 2014 at 8pm GMT.”

    After this, Tes7 and Kingfunks4 decided to inform ally army Doritos to tell them that Slushy was being invaded. Now what Light Troops didn’t realise is that Slushy is also the Doritos’ Co-Capital. After this Wwebestfan, West, Mustapha10 and Pain decided to help Ice Warriors defend Slushy and also, attack Light Troops.

    So, do you think that Ice Warriors and the Doritos can stop Light Troops or will they be blinded by the bright yellow colours of the Light Troops?


  3. Do you frequently check the applications on the regular join page? If not, here’s my application from there as a precaution.

    Name: Hello, CP Central! I normally go by drake8893 in the Club Penguin community. Players may find me utilizing this respectable name on xat chat!
    WordPress email:
    Past experience: My credibility as an unbiased writer has been known throughout various xat chats. I first joined the CP warfare community in 2010 as a member of the Night Warriors faction. I’ve since retired late 2011 to pursue other opportunities other than Club Penguin. I am still listed as a notable member of NW under the name ‘David’ on the official Night Warriors website. Since my 3 year absence, I’ve come to know other games and I’ve been involved in various communities. I have a vast and extendable knowledge on the In real life Army and Marine corp. And as such, my writing capabilities have greatly been enhanced. I consider myself competent on many levels, doing my best to remain professional at all times. As a player, I’ve just recently come back into the CP Warfare scene, participating in Rebel Federation and Dark Warrior’s chat. A leader of Dark Warriors recognized me as a former Night Warriors member and offered me an invitation to join their ranks. I accepted, wanting to get back into the scene myself after viewing a disheartening and rather sad, NW retirement from CP Warfare. Overall, I am willing to take this responsibility as CP Central staff, and will do my best to ensure a positive experience for all.
    On Wednesday the 21st, the two rival armies, Rebel Penguin Federation and Dark Warriors decided to settle a dispute regarding competence through a fun practice battle! Dark Warriors, led by Toy soldier and Agent 11, started off with rallying up the members in a collective manner, while Rebel Penguin Federation preferred to “Hype” up the chat with some positive comments. The fight started off rough at the beginning for Dark Warriors, as the RPF seized control of various settlements on the map. Tides started to change as DW began to regroup their troops at the Ice rink, performing some neat formations. RPF valiantly resisted, using some well thought out counters to the “Surrender” tactic. The results of this battle are unclear, though sources including some passerbys in game show that it was slightly in favor to DW. Regardless, both armies had a good time and sides experienced much from their practice battle.
    Why you’d be active: My schedules tend to be more free opposed to others who have full time jobs.
    Any other comments: I’ll do my best to remain competent within CP central staff and provide numerous benefits to the website in general. Let’s report some quality news together!


    • Additional comments: I would like to start a career here, receiving payment for doing a job I love. The payment would also go towards my membership in Club Penguin as I’ve been meaning to get back in the game sooner or later.


    • Revised version:

      At a typical Wednesday afternoon, two armies merge from the depths of Club Penguin to brawl it out for the top. Practice battle or not, a gleam of rivalry and hostility were in the eyes of both armies. Regular civilian penguins watched in fascination and awe as the army took shape one by one, blue and red. Dark Warriors (Blue), were being led by dominant Agent 11 and Toysoldier, while the Rebel Penguin (Red)Federation was being led by its faithful leaders consisting of Lilstar and Ultipenguin. Commands were issued in both chats, and soldiers were hyped and rallied up.

      The battle started off rough for Dark Warriors, as the RPF began to seize control of various rooms on the map. Being the first ones there, it would be generally safe to say that the RPF were far better prepared. Tides began to dramatically change as the Dark Warriors regrouped their troops in the Stadium and performed some strong formations. One of these formations, also known as the X line, was a devastating blow to RPF and one of the key factors to the comeback. RPF valiantly resisted, countering some word tactics with words of their own. The fight lasted a good 20 minutes, but who really won was a tad bit unclear. Sources, however, including some bystanders, state that the victory was slightly in favor to no other than, the Dark Warriors.

      Regardless, both armies had a fun experience and the two sides learned much from each other. Let’s take a look on the insight from the leaders!

      (insert interview here)

      Well, there you have it CPA Central! Will Dark Warriors continue their notorious winning streak, or will the Rebel Penguin Federation unexpectedly rise to the top! Only time will tell. Until then, this is drake8893 signing off.


  4. Name: Flappy112

    News Site Experience: RNM
    (have judged the past 3 tournaments for CPAC as well)

    Example Post:

    PB Between DCP and IW / Surprise Raid


  5. Name: Rocky

    News Site Experience: Club Penguin Army Comedy Central, TSN CPSC CP Army World, CPWN

    Example Post:


    • Armys In Corruption: Major Turmoil

      Since 2013 there have major stirrings going on in many armies. Those armies include ACP, Nachos, Dark Warriors, Light Troops, RPF, Army Republic, UMA, and Doritos mainly. There have been many coups, major demotions, firings, banishments, and declarations of war over crazy reasons.

      Lets begin with the Nachos! For the past few months, major corruption has been going around in the Nachos army. This April there was a rebellion against certain leaders over how they used their power, and this rebellion came from many troops. The main people in the rebellion were Zing King2, Camperjohn, Oberst, Puckley, and Beeky too. Troops would be accusing leaders of abusing troops, mistreating them, treating lower ranks badly, bannings for nothing and etc. And most recently overlord Shiver got fired in a shocking turn of events! Also, Danny left for RPF and has now been banished from Nachos army!

      Next we’ll talk about RPF! Earlier this year, The Elmikey Rebellion started because people were sick of how Elmikey was running RPF and treating troops. This included coups of Snaily 2-3 times, Sir PJ getting fired and hired again few times, and him leaving the RPF. The Rebellion had successfully gotten rid of Elmikey from the RPF by invading RPF events. Elmikey eventually would lead DCP for 2-3 weeks before getting fired for inactivity and then SWAT for one day before leaving them. Elm then joined ACP for like 5 days until becoming Dark Warriors leader!??!? Snaily later on removed the legendary Sir PJ for unknown exact reasons.

      Now lets talk about DCP! Just recently Toysoldier got banished from DCP for being two faced, backstabber, and traitor as Mustapha put this. Toy’s now leading Dark Warriors with Elm, Whats Up, and Voyo. Also, Mkll had been couped for being a lazy inactive leader, but then returned for short time before retiring from armies. Carter at one point been removed and banished from DCP for being shitty apparently but then was hired again restoring peace!??!? Peace has now been restored in the Doritos army though!

      Now lets talk about ACP! Just late last year or early this year, Max Cassius Brutus removed/couped Tori from ACP after she hired him. Cass later regretted his choice of doing that and would apologize. Cass then accused Sercan of betraying him. Then Sercan this year was accused of fake pics due to editing which turned out to be true and later retired from ACP. Cass today has returned to the ACP ownership. Purpleslime and Flipmoo currently lead the ACP!

      Now lets talk Light Troops. Late last year, Light Troops made their triumphant comeback and reached 1st in the CPAC Top10 for 1-3 weeks or something! But then after dying and returning again early 2014, controversy between Waterkid and Spi stirred. But before I get to that at one point Ioioluk had gotten banished from his own army! Now late last year Waterkid removed Spi cause he though he wasn’t good enough and the reason for their collapse apparently. But then he rehired Spi after seeing he was wrong. But eventually Spi would retire, come back and then leave them for good. This is dramatic huh people?

      Okay time for talking SWAT! SWAT hadn’t really been corrupted until these past 2-3 months! Taco got removed multiple times, then accused of multilogging, and retired and kept returning! Plus, one day when I was just hanging at SWAT’s chat, the chat got hacked, recovered and hacked again 3 times! Ganger returned to SWAT and has been leading since.

      Next, we’ll talk Dark Warriors. After Elmikey became the leader of the Dark Warriors, turmoil stirred upon the army! Elmikey had started banishing everyone including former legends for unconclusive and false reasons. Then there was Rebellion 2.0! Elmikey would later stop banning everyone but first the real drama. After Dark Warriors creator Ambrosha had banished/removed Elmikey and Unk from the army Unk decided to remove Amb! Unk removed Ambrosha from site and chat which isn’t supposed to occur. Dark Warriors are currently first in Top10, but there’s one more thing to say. Many former Dark Warriors rebelled by forming a new Dark Warriors which failed, and they then joined Golds before some returned.

      And lastly, there’s Army Republic now let’s talk. Late last year Boof gave Sliper main for no reason and then Boof got banished while Sliper got membered! Emmarose then retired and then Theory got removed after becoming leader and Boomer hates them now! Plus, Lord Pain got hired and lead for few weeks before his removal! Army Republic recently got shut down for good by Burr, 122344a, and Vinny and by votes.

      That’s the story about how there’s been major turmoil in armies over the past year good day to everyone peace!


  6. name fishsquisher
    news experiance the truth about elmikey
    posts 0


  7. Name: Fluffyboy3
    News Site Experience: SMAP & Positively ACP (before it went RPF bias)
    Example Post:


  8. Name: Berbatov64

    News Site Exp: SMAC Associate Producer

    Example Post:


  9. Name: Lexie or Malevolent.

    News Site Experience: I want to start out with this one.

    Example Post: Meh.


  10. Name: Toress62
    News Site Experience: creator of the late CPFA
    Example Post:


What do YOU think? Comment your opinion!